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    Interesting Facts About Minecraft!


    Posts : 31
    Join date : 2013-02-14
    Age : 27
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    Interesting Facts About Minecraft! Empty Interesting Facts About Minecraft!

    Post  FrostBite Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:42 pm

    Lets Do This!! And Try This In Your Minecraft World!

    Interesting Facts About Minecraft! 61Drc

    1.If you wear a pumpkin on your head (in the game, of course) and you look at an Enderman through a transparent block (i.e. glass, ice, leaves, fence posts), it will not turn hostile.

    2.When not aggravated, creepers and skeletons cannot see you through glass.

    3.A creeper's fuse countdown will last a little longer if it encounters a cobweb.

    4.You can deal a critical hit on a fireball, since the game recognizes it as an entity.

    5.Ghast sounds were made by C418's cat.

    6.A skeleton will shoot itself if you are under/over it.

    7.Boats won't break if they crash into soul sand.

    8.No mobs can spawn anywhere in Mooshroom biomes, even in caves under the biome.

    9.All cows in Minecraft are female, since you can acquire milk from all cows.

    10.The ability to throw eggs was added when a player told Notch that if this was added, the player would eat his USB. He did.

    11.You can move faster through water if the water is encased in something.

    12.It takes 10 minutes and 40 seconds to smelt a stack of 64 of something (without interruptions, such as replacing the coal in your furnace).

    13.Sneaking will affect your reach distance.

    14.Most of the Enderman's sounds are real people saying "Hi," "Hello," or "What's up?" reversed, slowed down, and distorted.

    15.Zombies and skeletons won't burn during the day if they are standing on soul sand.

    16.Shears won't take durability damage if they are used to destroy blocks of wool.

    17.Cacti will destroy items. This allows for a safer disposal than a disposal that uses lava.

    18.Using a tool for a different use than it is intended for will decrease the tool's durability by 2 points instead of 1.

    19.Roses are rarer than dandelions.

    20.Rain and snow cannot be seen through glass that is being broken.

    21.Pumpkins are rarer than diamonds.

    22.Sponges used to have a purpose. From the Classic to Indev versions, sponges soaked up water from a 5x5x5 area. They also made grief protection water-rise.

    23.In the Beta 1.2 update, gold tools were able to mine stone and wood faster than diamond tools, but they still had the same restrictions as before, like durability points.

    24.During the development of Beta 1.7, Mojang was debating whether to have spike blocks or sticky pistons. Thank Notch and your fellow Minecrafters that sticky pistons were chosen over spike blocks, which would have been able to move like pistons but with a much stronger force, almost instantly killing players.

    25.When diamonds were first added in the Classic version of Minecraft, their file named them as emeralds. This was fixed immediately the next day.

    26.Zombie Pigmen can be created in The Overworld if Lightning strikes a Pig

    27.If caught with a fishing rod while neutral, an Enderman will remain neutral even after being pulled in, though the fact that they teleport away when hit with the fishing lure makes this of limited potential use

    28.Zombie Pigmen can climb up ladders and attack the player while doing so; however, they will not use this to their advantage, and use a ladder only if it is right in front of them.

    29.Charged creeper explosions are 50% more powerful than TNT and twice that of a normal creeper's.

    30.Charged creepers take damage from the initial lightning strike, so it takes fewer attacks to kill them than an ordinary creeper.

    31.Cave Spider poison does affect Skeletons, but will not kill them because the venom only brings entities down to half a heart.

    32.Magma Cubes & Slimes cannot swim in lava.

    33.Unlike tiny slimes, tiny Magma Cubes can still hurt the player.

    34.Magma cubes do not seem to take fall damage.

    35.If a player throws a chicken egg at a hostile spider and hits, the spider will stay neutral.

    36.Causing a spider to take fall damage or damage from a cactus after attacking it during the day causes it to become neutral again

    37.If you damage the sheep 7 hits (3 1/2 hearts) you can get 5 wool blocks by clicking both mouse buttons at the same time while holding shears, though it requires practice as you have 1/20 of a second between each mouse click.

    38.Fish are easier to catch during rain.

    39.If you place soul sand in front of a 1x2 doorway you can only walk through one way.

    40.If you are in a completely dark area with grass you can use bonemeal to create tall grass (and flowers) that will automatically uproot for easy collection.

    41.If you kill one part of a spider jockey, the other part will still be alive.

    42.If a skeleton kills a creeper, the creeper drops a record.

    43.When riding a boat or minecart, you do not take fall damage.

    44.Creepers will run away from cats.

    45.When the game is paused, a hostile enderman will still shake.

    46.Villagers will breed if their is a wooden door in their village.(Small House).

    47.Villagers are tied for the fourth tallest mob with Slimes and Magma cubes. They are 2 blocks high, well most mobs are under two blocks, including the player.

    48.Endermen are the only mob's that can open their jaws without changing textures.

    49.Hordes of zombies will spawn and siege a village at anytime of the day, in any lighting.

    50.If you hit a wild wolf while a tamed one is with you, it will attack the wolf, but once it is killed, the tamed wolf will become hostile.

    51.Creepers are based on a failed pig model made by Notch.

    52.Around 15 villagers need to be in a village for a Iron Golem to spawn naturally.

    53.If there is a way out of a room, a snow golem/snowman will try to get out.

    54.Villagers CAN use ladders.

    55.When viewed from the front, baby wolfs look like walking heads.

    56.There is a green robe for villagers, but it is not used. Might be used later to tell if one is female or male.(Hypixel Map - Wrath Of The Fallen - 1st House At Harbor)

    57.It is possible to grow a tree past the height limit.

    58.If you look long enough, you can find abandon mine shafts jolting out of the ground in Super flat mode.

    59.Cobwebs don't affect cave spiders.

    60.Both types of spiders can't climb up ice.(Including Spider Jockey)

    61.Cats don't take fall damage. SO THEY DO HAVE NINE LIVES! WOOHOO!!!

    62.You used to be able to milk squids. LOL!

    63.There is a 100% chance that you will get poisoned from eating a spider eye

    64.A dropped item will stop a mine cart.

    65.Fall damage is = to the number of blocks - 3 starting at the 4th block.

    66.In the F3 menu, the Nether is called Hell, and the End is called Sky, which is what Notch wanted it to be, a sky world.

    67.Weather happens around every seven days in minecraft, which is around two hours.

    68.You cant lure animals with wheat in the end.

    69.Lava flows further when you are in the Nether.

    70.Creeper shape is just Notch's failed attempt at making a pig.

    71.If you plant a Tree in the Nether and then wait for it to grow (bone meal works too) its leaves will have a dead-looking brownish color.

    72.You can move faster while sneaking by walking diagonally.

    73.Did you know that using a pig, saddle, and snowballs you can fly above the sky limit legitly?

    ~All 73 FACTS!!! WOOO~

      Current date/time is Thu May 09, 2024 9:18 am